Friday, October 8, 2010

Extra Sheet Please!!!

Exams ….. They put a lot into perspective.
They are sort of like death in this way.

You know the flash back you get when you hear that your great-granddad died? Everything about your last meeting with him rushes into your mind like a stream gushing from under a rock. For a moment you remember where you met, what he was wearing, what you talked about and all.
Well, I recently found out that exams are like this too!

Last week I had the ……er…..great …. misfortune of having to give my send up examination for the prof.

Looking at the paper completely covered with questions on both leaves made me realize what I bad student I really am. Instead of remembering the answer to the question, what would pop in my mind would be the silliest incident that happened the day we originally read the topic! ... Bummer!!!! What the h#### was I supposed to do with the incident? ....write it down and give it in the form of a journal to my teachers? ...that would really have helped! I would have been kicked out of med school before you could say kwashiorkor!
Don’t believe me yet? Well let me show you!

Q1. What is the composition of gastric juice?
The rather balding, rotund figure of Dr. Sh popped in, trying to make himself heard over all that din!

Q2. Write down about the synthesis of thyroid hormones?
Dr.NY  flirting with the pretty girls of the class! Hmmm…..

Q3. What are the different types of taste buds? Give their location and structure.
Dr. Fr pulling out his tongue and showing us the locations! :)

Q4. Explain the role of cerebellum in maintain balance.
Dr.Physio demonstrating by walking to the back of the class with his eyes closed, and tripping over an extended leg! ......... er …… was probably an accident!;)

No wonder I could barely keep a straight face in the exam! :) :) :)
of course all of this is very beneficial if you want to write a blog about the all the idiotic things teachers do, but not very helpful when you’re trying to remember the steps of B- oxidation and all that pops in your mind is that there was a fly stuck in the projector screen that day, which got magnified to the size of the whiteboard!

Then there were some questions which left me feeling ……. Er…… blank!

I guess I was asleep in those lectures!


Se2 said...

man..I am so glad to find MBBS students...that too of same age as me...!!

So for starters..I am from delhi,in 2nd year..passing my anatomy, physiology and BC just 3 months ago...

And what suprises me besides the mutual resentment against Anatomy is that how similar system we have...
I mean , we too have stage, grand stage, sub-stage, 'sent-up' and professionals...!!

Phew..!! Nice to meet you...that's all I can say...:)

J Jay. said...

thanks man!nice to meet you too!
by the way you look exactly like my brother!;)
yeah i think our systems are similar. we even study a few books by indian authors B.D.Chaurasai, Jaypee!:)
i'm all set for my prof in november so wish me luck!

Se2 said...

Hey..all the very best for your profs..!!
Few more days of anatomy agony..!!
2nd year is definitely more fun...:D

Anonymous said...

I totally love how u and ur brother blog :D keep it up girl :) Ur humor is refreshing !!!!!!

J Jay. said...

@ Se2
thanks! yeah i'll be glad to be rid of anatomy after the exams:)
thanks xehra! i'll try to refresh you some more after the prof! ;)